
To be eligible to participate in any SKPSAA sport program, the following eligibility requirements must be met by all students:

  • SKPS Sports
    The athlete must be in good standing and currently enrolled at Saint Kilian Parish School and meet grade level requirements for each sport.
  • Ironmen Sports
    The athlete must be in good standing and currently enrolled at a neighboring Diocese of Pittsburgh school and meet grade level requirements for each sport.
  • ​The Principal of the school has the authority to not allow a student athlete to participate in practice or games due to circumstances deemed appropriate for this restriction.
  • If an athlete misses school due to a sickness on the day of a practice or game, the athlete is not permitted to play in that event, whether the practice/game is home or away per the diocesan rules.
  • Any injury that requires a visit to be seen by a physician (doctor, ER, clinic, wellness center etc) must have a doctor's note to be able to resume practice and play for any sport.  The safety of each athlete is and will continue to be the goal of our program.
  • Student athletes in the Junior Varsity and Varsity level of play must maintain a grade level of C or better to participate in the sports program(s).  If the athlete falls below this level of grading, the teacher will advise the Principal and the decision will be passed down to the athlete’s parents and the athlete, then to the Athletic Director and Coach.  Reinstatement of the privilege to participate in sports will be given by the Principal.
  • Student athletes in grades 3 and 4 will follow a similar grading policy for participation in the sports program.  If the athlete falls below an acceptable level of grading as determined by the teacher and Principal, the teacher will advise the Principal and the decision will be passed down to athlete’s parents and the athlete, then to the Athletic Director and Coach.  Reinstatement of the privilege to participate in sports will be given by the Principal.
  • Registrations for the sport to be played must be submitted prior to the date due in order to join the program.  If registrations are completed after the deadline for processing, the SKPSAA coaches and administration will review and determine how this effect’s the team and the overall program within the diocese. In addition, the diocese will have to allow late registration by their review of the information as SKPSAA is not able to allow roster changes after they are submitted.
  • All forms must be completed prior to practicing or games, which include the physician’s release forms.