SKPS Celtic Cross Country Program

Cross Country consists of conditioning and being physically fit to run distances between 1.5 and 3.0 miles. Each child can run at their own pace and the goal will be not to necessarily win, but to work to improve each child's individual performance from the last meet/last practice.  The season consists of summer training and August through October meets with a final Diocesan Cross Country match to close out the season. Cross Country is open to all currently registered students at SKPS entering 3rd through 8th grades - those with a pair of running shoes, determination and a no quit attitude!

Our season runs Mid-July to Mid-October.

No matter if your run for Saint Kilian or for yourself, interested cross country runners should review the following steps:

  1.     Remember to find a safe place to run, always away from traffic.
  2.     Always run with supervision.
  3.     Run on soft surfaces, such as trails, grass or a track when possible.
  4.     Run at a comfortable, easy pace. “Train don’t strain.”
  5.     Be patient. Endurance running can be difficult at first but if you practice you will see the results.
  6.     Keep a positive attitude. You will eventually enjoy the experience of running and feeling fit.
  7.     Drink lots of water!
  8.     Relax and have fun when you run.

If you have questions regarding our programs at SKPS, please do not hesitate to contact our Cross Country Coordinator.